Closing date


Eligibility Criteria and Fair Access to Social Care Services Policies

This consultation is now closed. Thanks to everyone who took the time to find out more and get in touch.

Eligibility Criteria and Fair Access to Social Care Support Policies work together to make sure that we get the balance right between treating people individually and whilst making sure that we are fair and consistent in our approach.

Importantly, they also allow the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) to manage overall demand with the money it has available.

The Eligibility Criteria (Children and Families) Policy explains how services are prioritised for people at the highest levels of risk. These are called ‘eligible needs.’

This ensures that people with the greatest need receive the services they require to stay safe in the community. The Eligibility Criteria also explains how people can receive services to prevent risks becoming more severe.

The Fair Access to Social Care Support (Children and Families) Policy explains how services will be arranged for people to meet their eligible needs.

It ensures that personal budgets are calculated fairly and consistently. It describes how different service types will be used and how people can use Self Directed Support for personal choice.

  • Eligibility Criteria is used to help decide who we will provide services to and what those services should be for
  • The Fair Access Policy is used to help decide what types of services are available and how they will be arranged. It also explains about choice.

A Consultation has been launched to gather stakeholders’ views on the draft Fair Access to Social Care Services (Children and Families) Policy and the associated reviewed and updated draft Eligibility Criteria Policy.

Residents are being asked

People living in East Dunbartonshire are being asked to have their say on the policies which aim to ensure that the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Board:

  • Meets its statutory duties in relation to support provision and the Equality Act
  • Operates a fair, equitable and transparent allocation of resources to children, young people and their families, where individuals have complex needs and require significant levels of social care support
  • Meets increasing demand within the overall allocation of resources in a way that is financially sustainable and operates within agreed budgets.

The draft Policies are available to view below, and paper copies can be requested by calling 0141 232 8200.


In person –

  • Thursday 7 November, Milngavie Community Centre 10am to 12 noon and 1.30 to 3.30pm.
  • Tuesday 26 November, Enterprise House, Kirkintilloch 10am to 12 noon and 1.30 to 3.30pm.

Kelly Gainty,
Self-Directed Support Lead Officer,
East Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership,
Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre (KHCC),
10 Saramago Street,
G66 3BF.