Consultation on revised integration scheme for East Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership
This consultation is now closed.
Since 27 June 2015, a Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) has been operating in East Dunbartonshire. The HSCP is responsible for a range of adult health and social care services that used to be organised separately by the Council and the Health Board. The integration of these services has helped to break down barriers for patients, service users and their carers. It also helps to make best use of the money available to support people in the community and improve services. More details about integration can be found by visiting the Scottish Government's website.
What is an Integration Scheme?
The Health Board and Council are required to set out their integration arrangements and carry out consultation. An Integration Scheme describes the model of these arrangements, the range of functions and services to be included, the method of agreeing budgets, governance, management, dispute resolution and the workforce. When finalised, the Scottish Government must approve this Integration Scheme before it comes into force. The original Integration Scheme for East Dunbartonshire was approved in 2015. The law requires that at least every five years, Integration Schemes must be reviewed to make sure that they are still accurate, up to date and relevant. The review process was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is now being finalised.
It is important to note that, by necessity, this is a technical document which is concerned with the governance of local arrangements. The content and structure of the draft scheme complies with the legal requirements.
What changes are planned for the Integration Scheme?
The Council and Health Board intend to make only minor changes to the Integration Scheme during this review. It is not intended during this process to change the range of integrated services or the way they are planned or delivered. Some adjustments have been made to remove unnecessary differences between the structure of Integration Schemes across Greater Glasgow and Clyde, with very little change to content. Some other technical updates have also been made to allow for changes to legislation since the first scheme and to improve consistency in financial arrangements.
Even though the proposed changes to the Integration Scheme on this occasion are very limited, the law requires that we consult on any proposed updates. You can read/download the consultative draft scheme from the Documents section of this webpage.
Consultation now closed.
Or by post to:
Alan Cairns
Planning, Performance & Quality Manager
East Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership
Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre
10 Saramago Street
Kirkintilloch G66 3BF
The deadline for contributing comments on this draft Integration Scheme is 12 January 2024.