East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) recognise the public and social health issues associated with poverty and the effect that poverty can have on health outcomes for individuals and families.

The East Dunbartonshire Income Maximisation Service is available to all East Dunbartonshire residents and provides free confidential advice if you are experiencing any financial worries or hardships.

The Income Maximisation Service has resulted in over £3,000,000 annually for East Dunbartonshire residents in recent years.

The East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has been commissioned to provide the Income Maximisation Service and give support and advice on a wide range of issues including form completion and:

  • Kinship Care
  • Money Advice
  • Universal Credit
  • Power of Attorney
  • General Advice
  • Consumer Debt
  • Housing (mortgage, rent arrears)
  • Utilities (gas, electricity, telephone)
  • Benefit Overpayment/ Fraud.

Referral form can also be accessed by clicking the link to the Income maximisation service below:
Income Maximisation Service: Survey Powered by Webropol 

You can also ask your health care provider (e.g. Health Visitor, GP etc) or service provider (e.g. Ceartas) to refer you to the service.

For further information please call the East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau on 0141 775 3220.

Organisations and services can request a supply of leaflets and business cards by emailing: eastdun.healthimprovementteam@ggc.scot.nhs.uk