School nursing
The aim of the School Health Service is to support the health and well-being of all school-aged children in East Dunbartonshire, whilst offering more intensive support to those with the highest needs.
All children will be offered core services including growth and vision assessments in Primary 1 and Primary 7. School Nurses focus support to young people who face additional challenges within three main areas:
- Emotional health and wellbeing
- Child protection/vulnerabilities
- Transitions.
The service does this by working directly with children, young people and families providing interventions and in partnership with agencies such as education services, other health and social care services, and the voluntary sector.
Who is in the team?
The team is made up of:
- School nurses (registered nurses with Specialist qualification in school nursing) – they provide direct support for children, young people and families
- Health care support workers – they support the team and undertake designated tasks
- Administrative support.
How do you access the service?
The service can be accessed directly by each child or young person, as well as through any services working with children and young people by calling the telephone number.
If you are a child or young person, you can speak with your class or guidance teacher to talk through if a referral to a school nurse might help; or you can talk to your GP or parent/carer who can link in with these people or call the service directly.
Where is the service based?
East Dunbartonshire HSCP Offices
Stobhill Hospital
300 Balgrayhill Road
G21 3UR
Tel:0141 201 3489
Hours of service 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
In East Dunbartonshire, the school nursing staff will always respect the rights of young people. This means that staff will speak with young people openly and honestly and will only share information with others if the young person agrees. The only time information will be shared without permission is if they think that a young person is at serious risk of harm.
Age of legal capacity/consent for details please visit the legislation website.
Immunisations in school are carried out by a dedicated team at set times of the year. It follows the National Immunisation Programme recommended in Scotland. For further details, please contact your child's school.
Programmes delivered include:
- Intra-Nasal flu vaccination to all primary school age children between the months of October and December
- HPV vaccine to all 1st year female pupils alongside catch up groups in January
- DTP and MENACWY vaccination to all 3rd year pupils in February and March
- Alongside these set programmes, we also respond to any emergency or targeted immunisations, as directed by the Scottish Government and Public Health.
To contact the School Immunisation Team, please call tel:0141 232 9838.