The spectrum film club
East Dunbartonshire’s inclusive cinema night specifically for those with additional support considerations at Kilmardinny house in Bearsden.
Tickets £4 each
(parents/support staff go free – donations welcome)
If you would like to come then you can just turn up on the day and get your ticket on your way in. If your party is more than 4 people then please email beforehand to confirm
Bring your own drinks and snacks. We will ask you to decant them into bowls provided to minimise noise from packets during the film.
Our next screening:
18 February 2025
Doors open at 4:15pm. Please arrive by 4:45pm for a welcome speech before the film starts at 5pm.
Running time: : 1hr 46min (approx. 6:45pm finish)
Movie blurb: 'After a deadly earthquake destroys his home in Peruvian rainforest, a young bear (Ben Whishaw) makes his way to England in search of a new home. The bear, dubbed "Paddington" for the London train station, finds shelter with the family of Henry (Hugh Bonneville) and Mary Brown (Sally Hawkins). Although Paddington's amazement at urban living soon endears him to the Browns, someone else has her eye on him: Taxidermist Millicent Clyde (Nicole Kidman) has designs on the rare bear and his hide’.
Movie trailer
Access video
If you would like to sign up to our mailing list, or if you have any questions please contact the Local Area Co-ordinators:
We would like to thank our partners for their support in making this group possible