Behavioural change programmes
A range of programmes are available in East Dunbartonshire Justice Services for people managed in the community.
The aim of these programmes is to support people to explore the thinking, attitudes and behaviours which may have led to their conviction or lead them to commit further offences.
Moving forward making changes (MFMC)
MFMC is a cognitive behavioural programme designed to provide treatment for people who commit sexual offences or offences with a sexual element. MFMC is designed to help participants lead a satisfying life which does not involve harming others. The programme is delivered in modules and tailored to meet participants' treatment needs. All participants are assessed to ensure the programme is suitable for them.
The programme is part of their court order or post custodial licence.
The programme benefits are:
- To reduce offending
- To increase self-confidence and self-esteem
- To improve relationships
- To identify positive goals and the steps to achieve them.
Where a person has been convicted of a sexual offence and the Court defers sentence for a Criminal Justice Social Work Report, eligibility for the programme will be assessed and included in the report based on age, patterns of offending and risk.
If sentenced to a Community Payback Order or Licence conditions the person is assessed on an on-going basis by a Justice Social Worker in consultation with the Treatment Manager in relation to suitability for progression onto the MFMC groupwork programme.
This assessment will again take into account areas such as patterns of offending, risk of harm/re-offending and motivation to change.
The programme
The assessment will determine the level of risk and need of the person thus determining which modules they will be required to complete. There is no set start date and end date for the programme – each participant works at their own pace supported by facilitators and existing participants. In addition to the programme, the participant may also have appointments with other professionals such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health or addictions. Justice Services work alongside agencies where specialist services are provided.
Referral to MCMC programme
Referrals are taken from Sheriff Courts, the Scottish Prison Service, the Parole Board and the Justice Social Work Team.
The MFMC programme in East Dunbartonshire is delivered on a groupwork or a two to one basis by the Justice Social Work Team.
STOP is a Scottish Government-funded service which tackles sectarian and all other hate crime offending.
The service is available to anyone aged 12 and over who has been charged with a first time and/or a low to moderate level sectarian or hate crime offence.
STOP can also assist where referrers have concerns about sectarian or hate crime attitudes and behaviours with a view to preventing offending or radicalisation.
The service uses a programme which has been designed to educate and rehabilitate individuals to ensure positive, achievable and sustainable changes in attitudes and behaviours. The programme can be delivered on a one-to-one basis or to groups.
Participation in the programme is voluntary and criminal charges are still subject to the Justice process.
What is the law?
In Scotland, the law recognises hate crimes as charges based on:
- Race
- Religion
- Sexual orientation
- Transgender identity
- Disability.
What will happen if I take part in this service?
Referrals can be made to the service by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), local Social Work teams, schools, or any other agencies.
Staff from the STOP service will contact the referrer to arrange an initial appointment where we will discuss the service in detail and ask questions to help us determine which of the two programmes will be most suitable.
Staff will meet with you regularly to help you complete the programme. This is usually done over six to eight weeks, however, extra time can be allowed where necessary.
When you have successfully completed the programme, you will be provided with written confirmation. This is proof that you have taken action to amend your attitudes and behaviours. A report will also be issued to the agency that made the initial referral on your behalf.
Up2U creating healthy relationships
Up2U is an innovative, evidence based, perpetrator programme designed to address domestic abuse/ violence. It developed by Portsmouth City Council with the support of a Quality Assurance Group consisting of representatives from Victims Services, Mental Health, Children's Services, Substance Misuse Services and Health.
It has been adapted in consultation and partnership, for use within Justice Services, and has been introduced in East Dunbartonshire.
It uses a goal orientated, strengths based, motivational model to engage individuals, working with their resistance to build strong therapeutic relationships to optimise their commitment to the programme to build safe and healthy relationships.
Up2U recognises that people are abusive for different underlying reasons ranging from power and control (Duluth Model), learned behaviour, attitudes that encourage male dominance and lack of emotional regulation.
Up2U is an assessment led approach responding to individual risk, need and responsivity.
Who is it aimed at?
The programme is for men who use domestically abusive behaviours in their intimate partner relationships.
It is suitable for men age 16+ and for people in same sex relationships – who are subject to a standard supervision requirement within a Community Payback Order or licence condition.
The programme is aimed at assisting men to:
- Recognise and stop using abusive behaviours
- Learn how to cope with and manage overwhelming feelings
- Learn to manage the way they think, feel and then act.
The programme aims to result in:
- Healthier relationships
- Children being less exposed to trauma
- A better understanding of themselves and their emotions
- Less involvement with the police and other services.
What does it involve?
This programmed approach offers a tailored package of intervention to address harmful behaviour.
This includes:
- The length of programme can range from 6 sessions to 40 sessions, with the option of extended sessions where risk and need indicate
- Method of delivery is on a group or 1-2-1 basis
- Modules and sessions delivered to each individual will be matched to their typology and need, with modules and sessions selected from:
- Module 1- Engagement and Assessment
- Module 2 -Thinking, Feeling and Behaviour
- Module 3 - Relationships
- Module 4 - Skills for Change
Targeted Sessions
- Module 5 - Stalking Behaviours
- Module 6 - Unhealthy Sexualised Behaviours
- Module 7 - Skills for Change
- Module 8 - Abuse and Substance Misuse
Contact details
Team Manager | Treatment Manager | Justice Social Work Kirkintilloch Area |
Team Manager |
Treatment Manger |
Justice Social Work |